Winners 2017



The Jim & Anne Dollard Foundation is very pleased to provide a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating student at both Honeoye Falls-Lima High School and Caledonia-Mumford High School’s Class of 2018.  The award is a one-time gift provided to a student committed to furthering their education, regardless of whether that is at a 2-year or 4-year institution.

The scholarship is the foundation’s investment in a student who has demonstrated the characteristics most closely associated with the lives of Jim and Anne Dollard.  Those characteristics are summarized above but in the simplest terms, students who are hard-working, selfless and involved with helping others are the students who should consider applying for this award.  Academic achievements are important but a student’s personal best is most important.  Individual honors and awards are worthy of praise but the acknowledgements that come from service to others are most admirable.  Applicants’ college plans must be sincere and students whose studies involve a community service-related endeavor are strongly encouraged to apply. 

2017 Scholarship Winners

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Emma Rowe is a Honors graduate in the Honeoye Falls-Lima High School Class of 2017 and winner of the Dollard Foundation Scholarship

Emma will attend St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia in the School of Arts & Sciences with plans to study abroad. 

She has an interest in studying Law, Political Science and Spanish.  Emma was a leader and active participant in many activities in her school, her church and her community, all of which flourished as a result of her participation.




Olivia Brumfield was Valedictorian of the Caledonia Mumford High School Class of 2017 and a purveyor of community service. She will be attending the University of Rochester to study Neuroscience in the Fall.

Olivia was a leader and active participant in many activities in her school, her church and her community, all of which flourished as a result of her participation

She was the first recipient of this scholarship, which was presented to her by Jim & Anne's granddaughter Rachael who graduated with Olivia.